Linux: Working remote with the Citrix Workspace App

Frank Baier
2 min readJun 14, 2023
Workspace image by Domenico Loia (from unsplash)

I’m using the Workspace App from Citrix at elementary OS 7 (Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS) to work remote with low latency.

I want to share these steps what do you need. Till you can use the application with your daily work.

As I’m writing this post the version 2305 is the latest version, which you can download from the Citrix Workspace website. I’m using Ubuntu, so I have to download the 64 bit full package for Debian (with full service-support), from the Available Downloads area (as .deb file), if you scroll down. To start the download, you have to click at Download File.

You will see a new pop-up with a question, where to save the file icaclient_23.5.0.58_amd64.deb — I’m saving the file at ~/Downloads.

For the next steps, you have to open the terminal.

Switch over to ~/Downloads

cd ~/Downloads
sudo dpkg -i icaclient_23.5.0.58_amd64.deb

Sometimes you have to install dependencies.

sudo apt -f install

After these steps the Citrix Workspace application is installed.

The Citrix Workspace app for Linux could start with a known SSL Error 61, if you enter your Storefront / Netscaler login url. There are three little steps you have to do, again at the terminal, to fix this error. Credits for these steps go to Peter Smith inside the Citrix forums for this SSL Error fix.

Open the terminal:

sudo rm -rfv /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts

You have to remove the default certificates folder cacerts from the Citrix Workspace application, with the certificates in it.

cd /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/

Switch over to the keystore folder.

sudo ln -s /etc/ssl/certs cacerts

You have to set a new link for the certificates to cacerts.

Now you should be able to start the Citrix Workspace application with your login screen, if you enter your Citrix storefront/Netscaler login url.

